Below  is a list of locations where we know the bridges were built in the late 1800's and early 1900's:

bulletCONNECTICUT: New Haven; Wallingford; Windham
bulletILLINOIS: Chicago; Freeport; Rockton; Schuyler County; St. Charles
bulletIOWA: Burlington County; Dallas County; Jones County; Newark 
bulletKANSAS: Blue Rapids; Wyandotte
bulletKENTUCKY: Bowling Green; Columbus; Cloverport; Topeka
bulletMARYLAND: Camberland; Frederick County
bulletMASSACHUSETTS: Boston; Dedham; Lancaster
bulletMICHIGAN: Colon; Dexter; Marine City
bulletMINNESOTA:  Cannon Falls
bulletNEBRASKA: Beatrice
bulletNEW JERSEY: Cranford; Red Bank
bulletNEW YORK: Auburn; Binghamton; Canton;  Caughdenoy; Champlain; Clyde; Danville; De Kalb; Kings and Queens Counties; Ithaca (Newfield); Ogdensburg; Phelps; Plattsburg; Port Henry; Silver Creek; Utica; Westfield
bulletOHIO: Black River; Columbus; Elyria; Lake County; Monroe County; Ottawa County; Springfield
bulletPENNSYLVANIA: Beaver; Clearfield County; Dauphin County; Fort Washington; Honesdale; Montgomery County; Ridgway; Scranton; Tionetta
bulletRHODE ISLAND: Warren
bulletTENNESSEE: Lebanon
bulletTEXAS: Gonzales
bulletWEST VIRGINIA: Berkeley County;
bulletWISCONSIN: Green Bay; Milwaukee; Fond du Lac; Watertown
bulletWYOMING: Fort Laramie