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bullet Zenas King standing on Bowstring bridge for Centennial Celebration in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia. (1876, unknown photographer)

zenaswithbridge.JPG (58165 bytes)centennialbridge.JPG (37443 bytes)


bullet1876 Centennial Celebration Bridge at Fairmount Park in Philadelphia (Photo by the Centennial Photographic Company, Philadelphia) 
bulletCentennial Bridge Stereoscope.JPG (120864 bytes)Centennial Bridge Card.JPG (209332 bytes)



 Pictures of the Detroit Superior Bridge and the Center Street Bridge in Cleveland, Ohio  kingbridgeclev.jpg (69947 bytes)Clevel~1.jpg (45067 bytes)



Pictures of "Old Nan", in Niantic, CT.  Used today by Amtrak. King Bridge Sign-Niantic CT 1907.JPG (24128 bytes)nianticdown.JPG (33467 bytes)nianticwater.JPG (30892 bytes)King Bridge-looking down tracks.JPG (52706 bytes)nianticup.JPG (42309 bytes)nianticrocker.JPG (39848 bytes)




Pictures of the 1892 King Bridge, Reserve Channel, South Boston. UPDATE: Unfortunately this bridge was torn down in December 2001 as part of the Big Dig reconstruction in Boston.  The Sloan Family was able to preserve one of the Bridge plaque, however this beautiful example of a retractile bridge is now gone.soboston5plate.JPG (26895 bytes)soboston4.JPG (36782 bytes)soboston3.JPG (30268 bytes)soboston2.JPG (32833 bytes)sobostonview.JPG (27098 bytes)



 Description of Some Remaining King Bridges including this historic Fort Laramie Army Bridge spanning the North Platte River at Fort Laramie, Wyoming.  This bridge is listed on the National Historic Register.   Laromie.jpg (41198 bytes)

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bulletthis unique railroad swing bridge (a/k/a The Hojack Bridge)  is in Rochester, N.Y. Check out "The Bridge Project" Website at to help preserve the Hojack Bridge.  See Also the Rochester Area Railroad Fan Page for some wonderful pictures of the Hojack Bridge.HojackRochester.JPG (60371 bytes)

bulletHere are  two King patented Bowstring Bridges, one in Newfield, N.Y. (pictured on left) and the other on Stuart Road in Chili Mills, (near Rochester, NY).  It is on the State Register on Historic Places and the  County, which owns the bridge, is looking to rehab and reopen the bridge. chilimills.JPG (27987 bytes)

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bulletClick here for a picture of a Greek Revival house designed and built in 1848 by Zenas King in Milan, Ohio and a 1963 newspaper article about the house.

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bullet an unusual King Bridge Project, the dome of the Yerkes Observatory located at Lake Geneva, Williams Bay, Wisconsin. Click the picture  to see it full size. ( Picture courtesy of the University of Chicago Yerkes Observatory).

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bulletSpile Bridge -- St. Lawrence County, NY.  A three span, 300 foot long tubular wrought iron bowstring built originally in 1874 using the Zenas King patent. It is still in use on the lightly traveled county road connecting the towns of Oswegatchie and Depeyster across the northern section of Black Lake. It is on the National Register of Historic Places and maintained by the National Park Service. (Picture courtesy of Steve Schwartz) Oswegachie.jpg (142608 bytes)


Unless otherwise stated, all pictures are Copyrighted by HK Photoworks.