Boston Catalogue

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Undated Sales Catalogue from the Boston Office

Please be patient with these downloads, they are very detailed pages from the catalogue.  Notice the Gold Leaf lettering on this beautiful catalogue cover.  This catalogue is courtesy of the National Park Service, historic American Engineering Record (HAER) in Washington D.C.  Special thanks to Chief Eric DeLony for a copy of this catalogue and to Pete Brooks at HAER for providing the scans.  Visit the HAER website at

ACOVER-1 Inside Cover & Officers.JPG (85840 bytes)A2-3 History 2 & 3.JPG (127631 bytes)A4-5 History 4&5.JPG (124766 bytes)A6-7 History 6&7.JPG (99612 bytes)A8-9 Riveting Shop.JPG (108547 bytes)10-11 Pattern & Forge Shop.JPG (97677 bytes)12-13 Painting Shop & Harlem Ship Canal Bridge.JPG (96836 bytes)

14-15 Harlem River Swing Bridge.JPG (93590 bytes)16-17 Cleveland Bldg & Cuyahoga Viaduct.JPG (106299 bytes)18-19 Central Bridge Cincinnati & Frankfort KY.JPG (104886 bytes)20-21 Train Shed Chicago & Bridge Sandusky OH.JPG (97819 bytes)22-23 Draw Bridge Oakland CA & Logansport Bridge IN.JPG (104922 bytes)24-25 Druid Hill Baltimore & Sioux City EL Railway.JPG (115315 bytes)26-27 Canton Bridge ME & Columbian Expo, Chicago.JPG (106027 bytes)

28-29 Central Armory Cleveland & Plate Girder Bridge, Erie PA.JPG (101632 bytes)30-31 12th St Viaduct Chicago & Westbrook ME.JPG (108202 bytes)32-33 Chagrin River, Ohio & Forest St Cleveland.JPG (107593 bytes)34-35 Buffalo Park NY & Cuyahoga OH.JPG (97300 bytes)36-37 Peoria IL & Swing Bridge Chicago.JPG (109590 bytes)38-39 Suspension Bridge St. Louis & Trestle Flushing OH.JPG (96295 bytes)40-41 Arch Bridge Mil WI & Cantilever Brdige, PA.JPG (101848 bytes)

42-43 Water Tower IA & Belle Isle Park Detroit.JPG (81107 bytes)44-45 Jay ME & Norwalk OH.JPG (97075 bytes)46-47 Grand Stand Cleveland & Big Horn River Fort Custer MT.JPG (83570 bytes)48-49 Dimondale MI & Viaduct Rosendale NY.JPG (110404 bytes)50-51 Painsesville OH & No. Attleboro, MA.JPG (101290 bytes)52-53 Dome Yerkes Observatory Lake Geneva WI & Riverside MA.JPG (116592 bytes)54-55 Rocky River Cuyahoga OH & Riverside Cemetery Cleveland.JPG (115275 bytes)

56-57 Calumet Swing Bridge Chicago & Jay ME.JPG (112332 bytes)58-59 Willoughby OH & Palm House Lincoln Park Chicago.JPG (134196 bytes)60-61 Foot Bridge Brockton MA & Chagrin River OH.JPG (124398 bytes)62-63 Napoleon OH & Conveying Machinery Ashtabula Harbor OH.JPG (102670 bytes)64-COVER Cleveland Telephone Bldg & Annual capacity 20,000 tons.JPG (100103 bytes)